Snow is on the ground and the season is changing. It’s time to begin some holiday fun. Kids of all ages love to do crafts and the holidays are a perfect time to make fun memories together as a family. Easy Dollar Store Christmas Crafts checks all of the right boxes. If your child loves to be creative, use paint, glue, or glitter they will love these fun seasonal DIY art! Check out these easy kids Christmas crafts that are great for your preschooler or elementary age child.
Popsicle Stick Snowflakes
- Popsicle Sticks Large and/or Small
- Glue – White glue or hot glue
- Paint
- Jewels
- Glitter
- Yarn
This is a great craft to encourage a child’s creativity. Depending on the age of your kids, you may want to prepare a few of the snowflakes in advance. My daughter is four so I opted for the advanced prep. She was ready to go when it was craft time and with this easy prep, so was I! With a hot-glue gun I glued the sticks one on top of the other, rotating with each new layer. Elmer’s Glue would work as well, but it will take longer to dry. Once the glue had cooled, my daughter began decorating. This is where their creativity comes alive. My preschooler had a blast painting, adding glitter (lots of glitter) and jewels. At the dollar store, we found these great rhinestones that had adhesive on the back, so we didn’t have to apply any additional glue to them…super easy…so easy even a 4 year old can use them!
After we used the supplies I bought for the snowflakes, we looked around for other items to enhance them. This craft is so flexible, you can add any number of items including feathers, sequins, buttons, you name it! She was pretty proud of her creations…especially the gold painted one with red and white rhinestones. She made time to show her dad and the babysitter and was sure to guard it from her toddler brother!
Cork Snowmen
- Old Wine Corks
- Pipe cleaners
- Scissors
- Paint: White, Black, Orange*
- Googly eyes*
- Orange sticker*
*option materials. You may choose to paint eyes instead of using googly eyes or use the orange sticker instead of painting an orange nose
This Dollar Store Christmas Craft is super easy to do and takes little time. Paint the cork white and let it dry. We initially painted all parts except for the bottom of the cork. After letting dry, then paint the bottom of the cork. Next either add the googly eyes or paint black eyes with a fine point paintbrush. Using the same paintbrush, paint the coal for the smile and the buttons on the body. Next, paint the carrot nose or apply a sticker for the nose. I found some foam stars we had in our craft supplies and cut them into triangles. To finish off the snowman, take a pipe cleaner and twist it around the neck leaving 1.5 inches for the scarf. If you want to hang the snowman on a tree, loop a ribbon and tack it to the top of the cork.
Note: Parts of this craft are more appropriate for an elementary age child than a preschooler. Of course, with some help from mom, younger kids will be fine.
Pom-pom Ball Christmas Tree
- Multi-colored pom-poms
- Star or Jewel topper for the tree
- Triangle drawn on a piece of paper or cardstock
- White glue
- Popsicle sticks
Pom-poms are so in this season that we had to do a pom-pom craft. In this simple Dollar Store Christmas Craft, work from the bottom up. Make a line of glue across the bottom of the tree. Next, place pom-poms side by side across the bottom row. Repeat the process until you get to the top. If your pom-poms vary in size, start with the largest on the bottom and the smallest at the top. Once you get to the top, place a star or a jewel as the crown of the tree. Cut and glue a few popsicle sticks at the base to form the trunk. This simple craft is so pretty you could put it in a frame and display it for the holidays!
Holiday traditions like doing crafts with your kids are great for creating special family memories. Snowflakes, Snowmen, and Pom-Pom Christmas Trees are simple yet fun! Kids of all ages enjoy doing crafts and being creative and this is a great way to bond with your littles. My tips above are general guidelines, but the sky’s the limit with many of these crafts. They are so flexible that your child could add their own special touch. Instead of using pom-poms for the tree, they could glue buttons or rhinestones. Truly, the possibilities are endless! These Dollar Store Christmas Crafts are easy and expensive for moms and provide variety for kids. If you have a Saturday afternoon, or weekday morning you need to fill, consider heading to your local Dollar Store and collecting the few necessary inexpensive supplies and creating special holiday memories as a family!
My favourite Dollar Store Christmas Craft is a jingle bell bracelet or necklace. The only supplies you need are pipe cleaners (glitter ones are the best but red and green are also nice), string if making necklaces, and jingle bells in all sizes and colours. I like to put the supplies on a plastic silver tray also from the dollar store and let the kids and sometimes adults enjoy:)!!!