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  1. I love this!
    I don’t have kids yet but still remember the chores I had to do.

    – wash veggies
    – water plants with the water i used to wash veggies
    – put away food /pack up leftovers after dinner
    – clean the dinner table after dinner
    – break down boxes at my parents’ store!

  2. This is a great list and I love what you said about not expecting your children to do it perfectly every time, that’s key! I have found that my little ones actually enjoy folding their own laundry and putting it away, so what if it’s not perfectly folded?? It’s pretty good and it’s less for me to do!

  3. I whole heartedly agree with this! Our daughter is two and we make sure she helps us pick up her toys and clean her room. At first I did all of that and I was like, wait a second, something is wrong here. So she helps us clean up and LOVES it!

  4. This is a great list, some of the chores I didn’t even think my 3 year old can do it. I will just say that the key tip is having patience 🙂

    1. You’re absolutely right! I have to remind myself to practice patience frequently. (sigh)

  5. I love these ideas! I’ve been wanting to teach my daughter to do chores, but since I read your post, I’m kind of relieved because she already helps with some of these things. I’d love it if she would pick up her toys, though. I like the idea of making it more of a party

  6. Thank you!
    It’s so true that we need to implement responsibility into our children early on.
    I have 3 sons-2, 3 and 4 years old. Since the year I teach children to help around the house and self-care. I use the Manini app for three children. It’s like printed chores cards, but in a phone. In the app, you can mark the completion of tasks, and children like it very much. And the app has a goal Board that lists all household chores and self-care for children under 5. The older child can already do almost everything, that is, almost 40 skills)

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